These pages have been developed to support the working groups of NERACOOS to identify priorities and services for the 2010-2015 Strategic Plan. These pages attempt to identify all of the key observations and models that exist for Northeast in order to avoid reinventing an existing wheel. The main funding source for regional observations systems is federal fundings from the US IOOS program. One of the requirements for funding is a demonstration that the products and services satisfy a need regional users. Various user needs surveys have been completed in the northeast or nationally that have been the source of a compilation or directory of potential products and services. These have been categorized under the four theme areas of the Northeast Regional Ocean Council, which have been adopted by NERACOOS are priority theme areas. Each theme area has a link to a page of the user needs. However, many of these surveys are dated and precede emerging issues such as climate change and coastal & marine spatial planning.

A potential output from this exercise is to create a text only version of links for the NROC Coastal Hazards portal - a page under construction intended to help end users finds key documents, data and products. NERACOOS might host a graphics version of this as a means of furthering the 'integration'.

I. Coastal Hazards Observation System

Observations, Models and Pilots

User Needs - Potential Products and Services from regional surveys.

Potential Priorities


II. Maritime Safety & Security


User Needs - Potential Products and Services from regional surveys.


III. Ocean and Coastal Ecosystem Health

User Needs - Potential Products and Services from regional surveys.


IV. Ocean Energy Planning & Management

User Needs - Potential Products and Services from regional surveys.